Does Walmart Cash Handwritten Checks?

Does Walmart Cash Handwritten Checks? An In-Depth Look


In today’s digital age, many people rely on electronic payment methods for convenience and efficiency. However, there are still instances where a handwritten check may be used, such as when paying a private individual or for specific transactions. If you’re wondering whether Walmart, one of the largest retail chains in the world, cashes handwritten checks, this article will provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Can Walmart Cash Handwritten Checks?

Yes, Walmart does cash handwritten checks under certain conditions. However, it’s important to note that the policies regarding check cashing can vary from store to store, and not all Walmart locations may provide this service. Therefore, it’s recommended to contact your local Walmart store beforehand to confirm their specific check-cashing policies.

Requirements for Cashing Handwritten Checks at Walmart

To cash a handwritten check at Walmart, you typically need to fulfill certain requirements. Here are the common prerequisites:

  1. Valid Identification: You must present a valid and government-issued photo identification document to verify your identity. Acceptable forms of identification may include a driver’s license, passport, state ID card, or military ID.
  2. Walmart’s Check Cashing Limit: Walmart has a check cashing limit, which may vary depending on the specific store and location. It is essential to check with your local Walmart to determine their specific limit.
  3. Verification Process: Walmart may require additional verification steps to ensure the legitimacy of the check. This may involve contacting the issuer of the check to verify funds availability or confirm the check’s authenticity.
  4. Fees and Restrictions: Walmart charges a fee for cashing checks, including handwritten ones. The fee may vary based on the check amount. Additionally, some restrictions may apply, such as limitations on the maximum check amount Walmart will cash.

Alternative Options

If your local Walmart doesn’t cash handwritten checks or if you’re looking for other alternatives, here are some options to consider:

  1. Banks and Credit Unions: Traditional banks and credit unions usually offer check cashing services to their account holders. If you have an account with a bank or credit union, you can inquire about their check cashing policies.
  2. Check Cashing Stores: There are specialized check cashing stores, often located in urban areas, that offer check cashing services for a fee. These establishments typically cash both printed and handwritten checks.
  3. Mobile Banking and Online Deposit: Many banks and financial institutions now offer mobile banking apps that allow you to deposit checks remotely by taking a picture of the check using your smartphone. This convenient option eliminates the need to visit a physical location.


While Walmart does cash handwritten checks, it’s essential to check with your local store for specific policies, fees, and limitations. Remember to bring valid identification, be prepared for additional verification steps, and expect to pay a fee. If Walmart isn’t an option or you prefer alternatives, consider banks, credit unions, check cashing stores, or utilizing mobile banking apps for online check deposits. By understanding your options, you can choose the most suitable method for cashing your handwritten checks.